MSS #074: Unleashing Your Inner GPS: The Science Behind Gut Instinct

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MSS #074: Unleashing Your Inner GPS: The Science Behind Gut Instinct.

8 June, 2024

🕒Read time: 3.4 minutes

🚀In a hurry? Start at the beginning and read up to and including “To Trust or Not to Trust: Navigating Gut Instincts with Science” for a reduced reading time of 1.5 minutes.

Hello there. Ready for a bit more intrigue?

This week, we embark on a fascinating expedition into the realm of gut instinct.

We'll delve deeper into the science behind this powerful phenomenon, equipping you with strategies to decipher its messages and ultimately make wiser decisions.

The "Stick or Fold" Conundrum: Unveiling the Power of Gut Instinct

Have you ever faced a difficult choice, a moment where you had to instinctively "stick or fold"?

That churning stomach or sudden hunch whispering the "right" path – that's your gut instinct in action!

Science is now validating what many of us have intuitively known: gut instinct is more than just a feeling; it's a real physiological response with a strong evolutionary foundation.

Our Brains: A Multi-Layered Marvel

Our brains are not singular entities, but rather intricate organs with distinct evolutionary layers. The oldest and fastest-processing layer, often referred to as the "gut brain" or the enteric nervous system, plays a crucial role in our gut instincts.

This primal powerhouse acts as a vast knowledge bank, storing a lifetime of experiences, ingrained habits and our core values typically formed before the age of seven, as highlighted in a study by developmental psychologist Antonio Damasio [1].

It communicates with us not through complex sentences, but through vivid imagery and emotions, sending us intuitive nudges to guide our decisions.

Research by Harvard University neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett suggests that the gut and brain are constantly in communication, with the gut sending signals to the brain that can influence our emotions and decision-making [2].


To Trust or Not to Trust: Navigating Gut Instincts with Science

So, the question begs asking: can we blindly follow every gut feeling?

The answer, as usual, lies in a balanced approach. Here's how science can help us interpret the messages from our inner compass:

  • Gut as Knowledge Keeper: The "gut brain" serves as a massive repository of knowledge accumulated from your life experiences.

If you have a strong hunch about a factual answer, it might be your brain pulling from this impressive database. Pay close attention to these intuitive nudges, especially when dealing with factual matters.

  • Fear Not the Fear But Fear the Overactive Fear Factor: Our primal brain prioritises safety, which can sometimes hinder progress.

While genuine danger warrants caution, don't let fear of the unknown paralyse you.

Stepping outside your comfort zone can lead to incredible opportunities. Once you have stepped into this new place of learning and knowledge, you can use this as a base to explore further in terms of personal growth.

Learn to distinguish between a healthy fear response and an overactive "danger detector."

A study published in Psychological Medicine suggests that relying solely on gut instinct can sometimes lead to biased decision-making, particularly when fear is a dominant factor [3].


Unlocking Your Inner GPS: Practical Tips Based on Research

Ready to harness the power of your gut instinct and become your most empowered self?

Here are some practical tips based on current research:

  • Become Aware of Physical Cues: Gut feelings often manifest as physical sensations – a flutter in your stomach, a tightening chest.

Acknowledge these signals and consider what messages your body might be sending you.

Research by the University of California, Los Angeles suggests a link between gut feelings and activity in the insular cortex, a brain region associated with processing emotions and bodily sensations [4].

  • Silence the Mental Chatter: In our fast-paced world, it's easy to miss the subtle whispers of intuition.

Carve out time for quiet time or deep breathing exercises to create space for your inner voice to emerge.

Studies have shown that mindfulness practices can enhance our ability to connect with our gut feelings [5].

  • Test the Waters: Don't dismiss your gut feeling outright.

Experiment with a small action aligned with your intuition and see how it feels. This can build trust in your inner wisdom.

Embrace Your Inner Compass

Let's create a conversation in the comments below! Have you ever had a powerful gut feeling that steered you in the right direction?

Share your experiences and insights!

Bonus Tip: Journaling is a fantastic tool for exploring your gut instincts. Write down a situation where you experienced a strong intuition, then explore the emotions and thoughts associated with it. This self-reflection can offer valuable insights.

Until next week, will you embrace your inner compass and trust the wisdom of your gut!


  • [1] Damasio, A. R. (1994). Descartes' error: Emotion, reason, and the human

  • [2] Barrett, L. F. (2017). How emotions are made: The secret life of feelings. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

  • [3] Slovic, P., Finucane, M., MacGregor, D., & Peters, E. (2004). Risk as feelings. Psychological Science, 15(6), 463-467.

  • [4] Critchley, H. D., & Garfinkel, S. N. (2017). Visceral feeling states and the insular cortex: The missing link? Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 74, 270-278.

  • [5] Tang, Y. Y., & Weng, C. S. (2015). The impact of mindfulness training on emotional well-being: A meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71(7), 1096-1111.


This is my take on gut instinct.

Facts – go for it!

If you are in a quiz or testing your knowledge watching a quiz on TV, I trust my gut 100%.

When you get that feeling you know the answer, but you are not sure, it’s probably because you have heard or scene this fact at some point in your life and it’s been duly stored away. Your gut has the answer in my experience.

When I start second guessing myself with logic, I invariably get the wrong answer.


Life – it depends.

When I get a gut instinct about something in life, I do a quick test in my head.

Values / principles – if the gut instinct is about the values and principles I hold dear, I follow my gut.

Imaginary fear – if my gut is holding me back with fear and it’s not rational fear or anything I should consider as a real-world threat, I tend to ignore my gut.

I interpret this as my overprotective mind trying to keep me safe by doing nothing new. 

See you next week. One more thought 👇

Want more? 

When you're ready, 3 more ways I can help you:

1. My book - Nuclear Powered Resilience

2. Self confidence and resilience - £48 training course based on my book

3. Coaching packages - start with a FREE 15 minutes exploration session.

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That's it for this week. Thanks for reading, really hope this helped. Contact me if you think I can help you further at [email protected].

Happy thinking.